Here are some health tips for hard core party animals to feel great after the music is down and also the whole year round!
- Hydrate! Haunt the watering holes but make sure you drink plenty of water. Alcohol dehydrates the body, especially when coupled with perspiration packed dancing. Dehydration shows up on your face and skin as wrinkles, bags, dryness and roughness. Drink a minimum of 3 litres of water to combat hangovers and to replenish the water lost due to sweating.
- Limit the glasses! You don’t want the bouncer to kick you out. Or worse still, some stranger to take you god knows where for god knows what! For any celebration, it is important to be able to remember and cherish the memory. Prevent hangovers. As woeful as you feel, cut down on alcohol.
- Drink when you drink! It is hard to keep counting your beer pitchers when the heat is on. Make sure you also drink a couple of glasses of lemon juice, tea or coffee, fruit juices like orange, cranberry, guava etc. to even out heavy boozing. Instead of the regular spirits get yourself fruit juice containing cocktails like Lime Cordial, Bloody Mary or a Mojito.
- Eat within limits! Diet rules may be tweaked but not broken altogether. Treat yourself to some but do not over eat. I know how tempting it is to let yourself loose on pastries, cakes, fries, cola and chips as if there were no tomorrow. Believe me, there is one, and you don’t want to spend it in the toilet.
- Stretch before the salsa! Nobody likes sitting on a corner stool while the world parties away. Before you twist your toes in tango, ready your body for the big night with some warm up and stretching exercises. Yoga is a life saver. What more, you could even resolve to stick to exercise this year!
- Be a medic tonight! It is not unlikely to end up with a spell of nausea, headache, or any dance-induced injuries. Some may even be allergic to dust and crowds. Carry a mini med kit with you including painkillers, antiseptics, small rolls of gauze and bandage, and your regular medicines, if any.
- Stay cheerful! Everyone has had enough troubles already this year so stop being grumpy. Smile broadly and genuinely, even for your maidservant. It is a time to cast aside all evil and to use this chance to be a better person.
May god bless you and your family with a fit body, mind and soul. Wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year 2013!
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